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To be active, you don’t have to plan 90-minute sessions at a time… Especially when you have a busy schedule! Here are 5 strategies for finding time to move.


1. Plan for it and put it in your calendar

You can find time for physical activity by looking for free moments in your weekly schedule. You can then plan some physical activity, whatever it may be (walking, working out at the gym, doing a dance class, swimming, etc.) by blocking off this time in your calendar. If you have your equipment (clothing, shoes, etc.) handy and ready to go, you can get moving when the time comes.


2. Break up the activity into 10-minutes blocks

Don’t have time to do 30 minutes or more of physical activity all at once? No problem! Breaking up your physical activity into 10-minute blocks is equally beneficial and will be easier to fit into your schedule. For example, you can walk for 10 minutes in the morning on your way to work, 10 minutes at lunchtime and 10 minutes at the end of the day as you return home. It all adds up to help you reach your daily goal.


3. Count your day-to-day activities

You can physically “monetize” all the activities that are already part of your day, such as:

  • Trips to work, the grocery store, the mall, etc. You can, of course, use active transportation (walking, cycling, etc.) or take public transit and get off one stop early. If you have to take your car, why not leave it at the farthest point of the parking lot or a few streets away? That will give you the chance to walk a bit more.
  • Housework. Add a bit of intensity, which offers good health benefits, as you wash the floor, clean the bathtub, vacuum, etc.
  • Outdoor chores. Shovelling snow, mowing the lawn (with a power mower that you push yourself or, even better, a manual push mower), raking, planting, weeding, etc. will work and strengthen your arm and leg muscles.


4. Take advantage of your time in front of the TV

Do you spend a lot of time in front of the TV? What about using this time to build up your arm muscles with small weights, work your leg muscles with an indoor exercise bike or stretch your muscles while watching your favourite shows?


5. Make the most of the weekend

Have an overpacked schedule at work and at home during the week? Make the most of the weekends. Being physically active only on weekends is better than nothing. Besides, according to a recent study, people who engage in one or two physical activity sessions on the weekend get almost the same benefits as those who exercise more often.


If you’re good at time management but need a little boost in getting motivated to move, these ten tips can help!